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Ella Kern

Get to know me









Human & Journey

I am a spiritual Guide, Mystic through and through and a trained therapist who 

Having had the honour of guiding over 150 Humans on their journey home to their heart. ,

Priestess of the Rose, Voice of the Divine, Artist, Trained Therapist who has guided over 150 Humans on their journey home to their heart. ,


I am here to see beyond all illusion of separation, all misunderstandings and distortion

straight to the core of who we are, as individuals and as a collective, to flood our darkest shadows and tend to our most tender parts with unwavering, unconditional love, so that our 

To give a voice to the divine, 

Deeply spiritual and powerfully grounded in 

So that we can remember our essence and allow our potential to come to life. 

Both Gentle Grace & Radical Responsibility 

To See you through the eyes of the soul, connecting to 

I believe that you and I are 

Remembering that we are God 

I am here to be a channel of unconditional love, 

I was initiated into this work, over 10 years of deep dedication 

Initiated into this work 

Fearlessly face and fall in love with the journey. 



Art & Alchemy 

Merging my deep devotion to the mysteries with a burning passion for the transformative power of deep emotional safety & skillful facilitation, grounding the guidance from the heavens into a holistic understanding of how healing works 

For sustainable 

Receiving guidance from above and grounding it down sturdy roots 


My work is a transmission of unity, dissolving the illusion of separation, 

Remembering who we are 

I am a Mystic, Priestess of the Rose, Artist, Voice of the Divine, and a trained therapist who has guided over 150 individuals on transformative healing journeys. I see straight to the core of who we are—both individually and collectively—merging devotion to the mysteries with a passion for deep emotional safety and masterful facilitation.

Receiving guidance from the divine and grounding it with sturdy roots, my work is a transmission of unity, dissolving the illusion of separation and helping others remember their true essence.

My Mission

Coming soon

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Who I am

Let me attempt to express my ever evolving infinity so you can get to know me with this incomplete collection of things that make me me:


I don't fit into silly little boxes and I'm not afraid to reinvent myself whenever life asks me to (albeit admittedly reluctantly at times, haha). These days (Sure as hell wasn't always like that!), I really, genuinely respect, accept & love myself unconditionally in all my versions. There is more than enough space in my heart for all my parts to not only peacefully co-exits, but powerfully co-create together. ​

I care & feel deeply - My Sensitivity is my biggest Super Power. I see, sense, hear and notice things that most people pass by and that allows me to not only open to a rich sense of aliveness & magic both in my inner & outer world, but to make that aliveness & magic available to others too. I honor & protect my sensitivity wholeheartedly, listen & attune deeply and lovingly tend to what is required to keep my channel clear & my nervous system balanced. ​​

I am a huge Granny deep down, loving early bedtimes with a cup of tea, a crackling fireplace and a great book & spending hours in the kitchen cooking healthy delights (Big Foodie over here!) for myself and my loved ones... But oh my, I certainly do enjoy getting up to all kinds of cheeky mischief too!


I loooove exploring all things Conscious Kink, Shibari & Sacred Sexuality and stretching the edges of what's allowed & forbidden, shining light on all parts that have been shamed into the shadow. And although my Spirit might be rebellious and my Soul a seasoned Warrioress, my human self is actually a bit of a careful scaredy cat in this life and that never fails to crack me up!

One thing I am really proud of are the INCREDIBLE relationships in my life - Because when we allow our authentic selves to be seen, we magnetize our Soul Family (and repel people who are not right for us!). To me, there's nothing more fulfilling than getting to nurture each others growth with the gift of deep emotional safety & unconditional love, hold each other through the inevitable storms, cry tears of grief & gratitude together and laugh until our bellies hurt and we start making funny noises from all the laughing and then we laugh about the funny noises and forget what we were even laughing about to begin with.​ I'm currently (slow) traveling the world, on a mission to find a place on this beautiful planet that I'd like to grow roots in, where I'll buy land to build a community home for my Soul Family.​

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I feel most at home somewhere quiet & thoughtfully designed and my heart sings when I am surrounded by nature, beauty, laughter, kindness & intention. The Mystic in me lights up in ceremony, ritual & living life as a moving prayer. My inner Artist adores nothing more than merging with the Mystery rushing through me when I bring visions, songs & poetry to life that open hearts & help our collective heal.

I'm extremely passionate about my work & embodiment and integrity are sacred to me - I will never offer guidance or teach on a topic I don't feel ROCK SOLID in within myself. Deep devotion, refinement & mastery matter to me.​​​​​​ I'm a huge Nerd and few things light me up like getting to study, research & refine my knowledge for hours & hours (and repeatedly rave about it to my very patient friends haha). I'll admit it, analyzing & creating a million and one spreadsheets about all of my new findings makes me do little happy dances sometimes.​​​​

I've spent years intimately getting to know myself, my shadows & light, my needs & desires, my unique quirks & preferences, my gifts & passions and the way I do and don't function, in order to be able to create a life I'm madly in love with - And to then teach others how to do the same for themselves.​​ I've always had BIG dreams, a massive calling and crystal clear visions... And I'll do whatever it takes to sing the song of my soul with confidence & courage.

​​I will forever refuse to settle for anything less than a life that feels like living, breathing art & does justice to my truth - And gosh, that sure makes for a life I already look forward to looking back on one day when I'm (finally) old and grey!​​

Human Design: 4/6 Emotional Generator

Astrology: Aquarius (Sun), Leo (Moon), Sagittarius (Rising) 

Some of my Gene Keys: Sensitivity, Grace, Compassion, Freedom, Beauty, Exquisiteness, Silence, Transfiguration, Team Work, Harmony, Mindfulness

My Training

Coming soon


My Path

"The wound is where the light enters you."

- Rumi once said & there's no better way to sum up the journey that shaped me into the woman I am proud to be today. 


From loosing my little brother when I was only 8 years old, being severely bullied at kindergarten & school, being hospitalized with major depression for the first time when I was only 13, to moving out of home at age 16 & breaking contact with my family for a while because of a deeply complex relational dynamic that required distance to have a chance to heal 10 years later down the line - I sure have faced my fair share of generational trauma. 

I remember feeling so ashamed & broken deep down in my teens, like something was terribly wrong with me at the core & I was all alone in a big, scary world, completely overwhelmed with life & longing to die most days, because I was in so much pain. It was hell.


And yet, somewhere deep within me, there was this wise voice, whispering: "Go through the portal of this pain & you'll one day help others do the same. You'll write the hopeful stories so many need to hear, the kinds of stories that can only be trusted when they are told by someone who has alchemised pain into purpose, agony into art and trauma into triumph."

And so I surrendered to the suffering.


I made a choice to let this life crack me open. To take a leap of trust, even if the life I was living was not yet a life that felt worth living to me.​ What followed were over 10 years of therapy & deep dedication to my healing journey. I said to myself: "I don't need to know who I am yet or what I want to do with my life - My only job right now is to heal & learn to be okay." And so I did. In safe & supported spaces, I brought love to my painful past, gave space to all the feelings that needed to be felt & spent years developing self awareness, learning to speak to myself with love & care for my needs. I read every book from spiritual teachers I could get my hands on & began trusting my truth a little more every day. I found a deep, unwavering devotion within me that began carrying me through many profound spiritual initiations & awakenings.

Through A LOT of repetition, I slowly unraveled the stories of shame & separation that had shaped me early on & patiently wove a new way of being into my nervous system & brain chemistry. They say it takes 10.000 hours to master a skill - And it was a million & one choices to return to the practice again & again, day after day, year after year that eventually led me to a deeply rooted sense of peace, a vibrant connection with all of life & an ever expanding experience of grounded joy, sparkling aliveness & embodied purpose.

It was in the deepest suffering that I met my soul.

It was in the densest darkness that I awakened my light.

It was inside my broken open heart that I found my key to heaven and remembered the love I have always been.


But my journey wasn't all heartbreak, hardship & healing of course! (Though a majority of my early years was exactly that & I wouldn't have it any other way) - There was lots of magic & beautiful experiences that have shaped me too! Growing up with an incredible mother who managed to never damage the connection with the divine that I, like all children, came in with when I was born, I never had to go behind the veil of forgetting my own infinity like most other humans have to. I grew up around little altars all around our home, Neil Donald Walsh's "The little soul and the sun" read to me at bedtime & with parents who loved me deeply & who tried everything in their power to encourage me to be who I am right from the start. ​I got to go to a Waldorf school & my creativity was always supported & celebrated. I will forever be grateful for that! 

Sometimes I wonder how I have lived through what feels like so many different lives in such a short amount of time - After school, I spent a whole year professionally doing music back in Munich & recorded & shared my songs on over 60 stages. I have worked as a waitress, a nanny, a professional party princess at kids birthdays, an event hostess dressed up as a vintage stewardess & in a full time job working in an amazing HR team in the corporate world, collecting & developing so many different keys & skills before I fully found my calling, doing the work I do today, in love with my life and feeling more like myself than ever before.

I have met many Angels along my way who nurtured me whole again with the gift of their light & unconditional love, back when I had little to give... And I made a promise to myself to carry the torch forward & to one day pass on what I had received back then to others when the time came. Because like good old Rumi said:


"We are all just walking each other home."

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