Soul Guide, Artist & Mystic
Ella Kern
Welcome Wise One,
I am so glad you are here.
This is a Sanctuary for the Soul and a Safe Haven for the Human Heart.
A place for you to soften back into your most natural essence, to evolve & expand with ease and to remember who you truly are.
For the Wise Ones, the Old Ones, the Ones who carry the Keys.
For the Mystics & Mothers, the Channels & Healers, the Artists & Alchemists, the Muses & Magicians, the Lovers & Leaders, the Midwives & Medicine Women, the Code Keepers & Bridge Builders, the Warriors & Visionaries.
For those of us who came to Planet Earth highly sensitive, deeply feeling and wildly intuitive, with a heart full of love that's as vast as the ocean, carried by deep, daring devotion and with the divine desire
to kiss this wounded world awake.