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Soul Guide, Artist & Mystic

Ella Kern

Welcome Wise One,
I am so glad you are here.

This is a Sanctuary for the Soul and a Safe Haven for the Human Heart.

A place for you to soften back into your most natural essence, to evolve & expand with ease and to remember who you truly are.


For the Wise Ones, the Old Ones, the Ones who carry the Keys. 


For the Mystics & Mothers, the Channels & Healers, the Artists & Alchemists, the Muses & Magicians, the Lovers & Leaders, the Midwives & Medicine Women, the Code Keepers & Bridge Builders, the Warriors & Visionaries.


For those of us who came to Planet Earth highly sensitive, deeply feeling and wildly intuitive, with a heart full of love that's as vast as the ocean, carried by deep, daring devotion and with the divine desire














to kiss this wounded world awake.


Enter the Temple

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Holy Homecoming

My signature group journey to master the most important relationship of your life, fall in love with your Self and Soul & become who you came here to be.

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1:1 Mentoring

The most intimate, individual & profound way to work with me. If your soul is calling you to rise into the next stage of your evolution, this is for you.


Get to know me

Coming soon

"If you have the chance to taste some of Ella’s magic - don’t hesitate and gift yourself some of this multifaceted oracle. It will change your life."



It is time to remember

who you are.


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