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with Ella

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Truthfully, you don't need me for this journey.

Your (un)becoming is inevitable.​


But you, Wise One, know how nourishing it feels to be fully seen & safely held as you rise. To no longer have to exhaust yourself struggling, doing & holding it all on our own (Like you have maybe done it your whole life).


The growing gets to be so much more easeful, efficient & FUN when we are powerfully supported as we courageously leap into our inner universe.


Because the safer you feel as you expand, the easier it is to relax out of the way and let the infinitely wise seeds in your heart work their magic without distraction... And the sooner the magnificent rose of your being can break into her most outrageous bloom and generously offer the gift of her irreplaceable (and much needed!) essence to this world.


The next stage of your evolution is calling...

And I am here to guide you through the portal.​

You know that the time has come, Wise One.​​

The time for you to let the knowing in your heart take the lead.

To finally truly trust your wisdom, your truth & your calling.


It is time to let the wings of your soul carry you into a life that does you justice.


You know that this sacred path requires your radical remembrance.

It asks you to embrace ALL OF YOU, so fiercely, so unconditionally, that all illusion of separation melts into the softest seed. It calls on you to surrender completely to your own inner source of love, to let the light of your deepest knowing wash away all that's untrue and to return to who you are at your core.​

Enter the Temple

My Approach

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When we align with our highest truth, everything else clicks into place.

It is one of my super powers to intuitively sense in each and every moment what exactly is needed in order for your energy to flow freely & in alignment with your highest truth again: What thought needs to be shifted, what emotion needs to be felt, what part of you needs to be heard, what action needs to be taken, what gift needs to be (re)claimed, what story needs to be (re)written and what version of you needs to be (re)born.

I can see right through all of the protective patterns & stories that have kept you stuck until now and it is my sacred responsibility in our relationship to be a crystal clear mirror for you to remember who you are at your core (Kern, meaning "core" is literally my last name!) - And I take this responsibility very seriously. 

We merge Soul & Science, Analysis & Alchemy, Intuition & Intelligence to help you actually make those big visions of yours (Especially the ones that have always felt almost illegally big - The "Who do you think you are" kinds of visions) feel genuinely achievable. I draw from a rich variety of tools & resources from both my training in psychotherapy & from my many years of walking the path of the mystic. There are sturdy, solid roots grounding & supporting us as we reach for the stars. (You can learn more about my background here.)

One thing I am particularly passionate about: This is a space for ALL your parts:
The big, visionary, hopeful, ones that are hungry for expression, expansion & freedom
AND the small, ashamed, scared ones that are longing for safety, slowness & healing. 

ALL OF YOU is met with reverence & respect here and we honor your natural pace & capacity. 

Let me drop the fancy therapist jargon for a second - Here's what I mean when I refer to capacity, very practically speaking: Have you ever taken a big, scary step towards your dreams, only to end up completely knocked out for days, doomscrolling on your phone and overwhelmed with absolutely everything? This is what happens when we accidentally push beyond our current capacity and it is the most exhausting way to grow!
The work you and I do together is gentle, yet determined and allows for your whole system to feel safe & be on board
at every step of the way... And this makes for a truly sustainable transformation. 
What we create together stays forever.
This is why I don't offer journeys that are shorter than the minimum 6 months & guide most of my humans for multiple years: Coming home to your truth, learning to trust yourself, your needs & your dreams, opening your heart to let life love you again and allowing the world to see who you truly are is a process that goes DEEP. If needed, we get to the very foundation of the way you've been built & your brain has been wired (which can be unsettling at times and requires courage, patience & devotion!) to gently release whatever has been separating you from knowing, trusting & living your truth (like false beliefs, old pain & outdated protection patterns) & cultivate an ever expanding capacity to actually create, receive & ENJOY the life of your wildest dreams.
This work goes deep and is not for the faint of heart... AND it is incredibly joyful, so very nourishing & ridiculously rewarding! 

PS: For all my fellow German potatoes: Ich spreche auch Deutsch!


Full Time Travel YouTuber & Mother


Writer & Movement Mentor


 Tattoo Artist


Speaker & Coach

Scroll over the photos to read directly from some of the beautiful humans who have worked with me before

What Clients are saying


"If you have the chance to taste some of Ella’s magic - don’t hesitate.


The clarity and tenderness with which literally found the meaning in the mess still amazes me. Ella doesn’t give weight to stories you tell yourself and leads you softly but firmly into your own higher truth. She restores your inner knowing by taking your hand gently and walking with you side by side into the dark, fertile places of your being, shining the most loving light on the buried seeds of your suffering. This alone leads to an awakening of those seeds.


And slowly but surely they begin to form little seedlings and you’ll be left knowing how to take care of them, how to let them grow so they become those beautiful flowers they are meant to be. 


And don’t be fooled, this angelic creature has a heart and belly full of fire and will make use of it to burn down all those walls around your soul which keep you from truly seeing and feeling!


And after deep and serious work you are invited to celebrate and oh this woman can celebrate. She is cheering, throwing parties in her heart for you so courageously walking your path. She is throwing confetti and sparkles on you so that lightness, joy and laughter also get their seat at the table. 


This is Ella. This and so much more. So go and gift yourself some of this multifaceted oracle. It will change your life. And the way I use metaphors to describe the work with Ella is no coincidence. You are literally beamed into another dimension where words don’t do justice and so only energy transmitted through painted pictures with words could come close to what you’ll get yourself into. Ella. Thank you. This is Service. This is LOVE."



"Ella hat mein Leben von Grund auf verändert indem sie das in mir neu erweckt hat, was schon immer da war. She walked me home and made me remember who I truly am - Und das ist einfach unbezahlbar. â€‹Bevor wir uns gefunden haben, hatte ich so so viele Dinge die mich eingeschränkt haben. Die mir immer wieder das Gefühl gegeben haben von Überforderung und auch Hoffnungslosigkeit. 


Und dann kam Ella. Noch nie habe ich mich so verstanden und in meiner Essenz gesehen gefühlt. Ich habe mich nie zuvor getraut, so viel zu teilen und so sehr mein wahres Ich zu zeigen.​ Ella hat mir so ein unbeschreibliches Gefühl von Vertrauen gegeben. Ihr Mitfühlen und ihre Wertschätzung von allem was da ist, hat in mir so viel Liebe und Wärme und Leichtigkeit entfacht. Von der ich vorher nicht mal wusste, wie sehr ich sie vermisse. 


Und vor allem hat Ella nicht nur immer alles verstanden, was ich mit ihr geteilt habe, sondern sie hat es geschafft, Faden für Faden den Chaos-Knoten in meinem Kopf zu lesen und zu lösen. Und das freizulegen, was da hinter versteckt lag. Und das ist so unbeschreiblich und hat in mir so viel Lebensfreude, Vertrauen, Hoffnung, Liebe, Leichtigkeit und vor allem mein wahres Ich freigesetzt. 


Es war als hätte ich vor einem Weg gestanden und ihn nie erkennen können, weil er so zugewuchert war. Von Chaos und Zweifeln, von Hoffnungslosigkeit und Schwere. Und Ella hat diesen Weg befreit. Aus dem Unkraut wurden die schönsten Blumen und der Weg ist wieder leicht zu erkennen. Und somit auch wohin er führt. Zu mir zurück. Home.


Ich kann das, was Ella der Welt schenkt und was sie tut, nicht mit einem anderen Wort zusammenfassen als MAGIE. Jeder der mit ihr spricht oder sie kennt, weiß genau wovon ich rede. Sie ist ein Wunder und sie ist vor allem mein Wunder!"



"Imagine arriving at a warm, beautiful place after a long, exhausting walk outside in the cold. A room full of soft, cozy cushions, blankets and candles. A light so bright you can hardly keep your eyes open tickles you through the huge windows that offer a vast view to a stunning landscape. This room emanates nothing but love, warmth, safety, compassion, care and the most heartfelt welcome. Even though you might not know this place, it feels like coming home. This is exactly what Ella feels like to me - especially in the first stage of working together. Like the most honest invitation in the universe to calm down, to rest and to receive. To be deeply nourished and taken care of while keeping your eyes on the beautiful, vast, exciting scenery outside - your life that lies ahead.


Her arms and her heart are wide open for ANYTHING you bring to the space, no matter how uncomfortable or dark it may seem. Because she knows her super powers: To bring light to the dark, to meet every part of you with unconditional love (especially those that feel the least lovable) and to energetically alchemize anything that is not yet serving your highest good. She deeply sees you and brings incredible acknowledgement and validation to every part of your being.


​And then... From this place of feeling deeply nourished, seen and loved, Ellas fierce power and fire urges you to step up. To go forward. To take leaps of faith. To shift your life to the highest potential - because that’s what she truly sees: Your essence, your potential and it seems like there is nothing that excites her more than lifting you up, reminding you of your innate power to rise and be anything you want to be.


Thank you Ella for being the embodiment of love, truth, light and dark that you are. There is no price tag that could meet the value of your work and your service."


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Click through the tabs below to get to know the framework & details of my Private Mentoring work!

Our Sessions
Our sessions are the energetic center of this journey & a deep dive into your inner universe. We allow the wisest parts of us to take us exactly where we need to go & to look exactly where we need to see. We know that whatever is alive in your heart is always in perfect alignment with the evolutionary edge your soul is leading you towards. This is where we work our energetic & alchemical magic and uncover, love and integrate what has been holding you back from living your truth. This is a safe space for all parts of you to be seen, held & nourished. This is the anchor you'll keep returning to, the place where the visions in your heart will be held high, even if life asks you to dig deep. I will offer you keys, tailor-made medicine, channeled activations, teachings and integration practices to play with on your own afterwards. 

We'll meet via Zoom for 75 Minutes and all of our Sessions are recorded, so you can tune in again & again, if that feels supportive. You are very welcome to visit me in Berlin (or wherever in the world I'll currently reside) for in person sessions, however, most of my sessions happen online and they are just as powerful.

How we flow


6 Months

15 Sessions
2 In Between Calls
Opening Ceremony

Bonus: Welcome Surprise
Bonus: Custom Soundscape
Bonus: Client Discount

4.800 €

Possible Payment Plans, if needed:
6 Months x 800 € / 12 Months x 400 €

Reach out for individual plans!

Save 800 €
with this package

12 Months

30 Sessions
4 In Between Calls
Opening Ceremony

Bonus: Welcome Surprise 
Bonus: Custom Soundscape
Bonus: Client Discount

8.800 € 
Instead of 9.600 € → You save 800 €

Possible Payment Plans, if needed:
11 Months x 800 € / 22 Months x 400 €
Reach out for individual plans!

Your next Step

If you'd like to first experience what it is like to have me by your side: 
Book a One-Off Sample Session for 222 € here.

And if having me on your team feels like a full-bodied YES
& you are ready to go all in on your soul's calling:
Apply for my Private Mentoring here.

You can ALWAYS reach out via Instagram or email if you have any questions or need some guidance figuring out which of my spaces is right for you at this time & what might be your next step. I am here for you & love to support you.

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Scroll over the photos to read directly from some of the beautiful humans who have worked with me before

More Client Stories


Coming soon



Coming soon




Du berührst, du bewegst, du führst.


Du bist der pure Ausdruck von Schönheit, von Fülle, von Overflow. Du bist Magie, Wunder, Reichtum, Magnetismus. Du bist Leichtigkeit, Hingabe, Urvertrauen, Dynamik. Du bist das Leben selbst.


Danke für das Teilen deiner Gaben. 


Danke für dein Übersprudeln, dein Hingeben, dein Losgehen, dein Loslegen, dein Lostreten, deine Kraft, deine Widerstandskraft, dein Lachen, deinen Humor, deine Ernsthaftigkeit, dein Wichtignehmen, dein Ernstnehmen, deine Präsenz, dein Glauben, dein Wirken, dein Bewirken, dein Auslösen, dein Teilen, dein Zeigen, dein Aufzeigen, dein Fordern, dein Einfordern, dein Fragen, dein Hinterfragen, dein Erfragen, deine Leichtigkeit, deine Ursprünglichkeit, dein Nähren, dein Schützen, dein Beschützen, dein Hüten, dein Behüten, deinen Tanz, diesen Tanz, dein Licht, dein Strahlen, dein Erhellen, dein Leuchten, dein Erleuchten, dein Entdecken, dein Aufdecken.







Artist, Professor
& Mentor


Writer &


Author & Editor

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